SUSU Students Sent Letters to the Front

In celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, SUSU Dobro.Tsentr organized a patriotic event “Letter to the Front”, where everyone interested could write a postcard to participants of the Special Military Operation, in the co-working space on the first floor of the second university building.

“This event is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23rd. But since it is a holiday, we decided to hold the event the day before,” explains one of the organizers, administrator of the Dobro.Tsentr Karina Khmeleva. "We want to support our military servicemen who are currently fighting at the front."

Multi-coloured postcards are covered with white doves, symbols of peace. And on the reverse side, students write their wishes to the soldiers: they wish them health, good luck, and most importantly, rapid victory and safe return to their families and friends.

“I decided to take part in the event because we all live in one big country,” says future linguist Makar Matsakov. “And at any moment, especially now, those who protect us need our support.”

He believes this contributes to the fostering of the younger generation, the unification of the multinational people of Russia.

“I have come here today because I think it is important for the front, for all of us and for the victory first of all,” says another participant of the event Sofiia Borisova.

According to the student, it is important to hold such events in universities where the grown-ups study, who are capable of making conscious decisions and who want to make the world a better place.

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