The finals of the 18th Student Labour Union Teams Dance Festival was held on stage of the Assembly Hall of the main University Building of South Ural State University on February 15th. More than 140 participants demonstrated their skills in categories two: Group Dance and Couple Dance. The audience accounted for 300 people.
The annual Student Labour Union Teams Dance Festival is dedicated to the celebration of the Russian Student Teams, which is traditionally celebrated in the Russian Federation on February 17th. The theme changes every year, but the occasion remains to be the same. Representatives of student teams from all over our region take part in the dance contest. Students stage the numbers themselves: some teams manage to do it on their own, and some resort to the help of professional choreographers.
According to the results of the festival, in the Group Dance category the places were distributed as follows: 1st place to “LUCH” Student Pedagogical Team (South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University), 2nd place to “Vitya” Student Pedagogical Team (SUSU), 3rd place to Headquarters of Student Teams of South Ural Technological University. In the Couple Dance category the winners were the Headquarters of Student Teams, South Ural Technological University, the 2nd place was awarded to “Vitya” Student Pedagogical Team (SUSU) and the 3rd to “Otklik” Student Pedagogical Team named after St. Sergius of Radonezh.
The jury included representatives of student teams and major creative associations of the city of Chelyabinsk. The performances were evaluated by the former commissioner of the Chelyabinsk Regional Division of the Russian Student Teams All-Russian Public Youth Organisation Guzel Usmanova, a teacher of classical dance, gymnastics, body ballet Diana Komarovskaya, administrator of the Our Place creative directions, head of the Deep Vision Modern Dance Group and head-choreographer of the Our Place inclusive club group of mothers of special children Mariia Rokhlis.
In total, 10 dance groups and 6 couples performed in the finals. Also, teams of Liberty dance dance school and Deep Vision Dance Theatre, Headquarters of Student Teams of South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University and “Zazhigai!” student pedagogical team, performed on stage outside the contest.
The topic of this year’s event was: “Strive for your Thing!”. “Strive for your Thing!” is a call to follow your interests and passions, to be active and purposeful in what is really important to you. The competition was held in several rounds. Thus, only 23 applications from student teams of the Chelyabinsk Region were submitted in the selection round.
The organizers of the Festival were: South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk Regional Division of the Russian Student Teams All-Russian Public Youth Organisation and SUSU Headquarters of Student Labour Unions.