Test Your “Twin Flame”: Student Wedding Event Held at SUSU

On Valentine's Day, the traditional SUSU Student Wedding event was held in the hall on the second floor of the main university building.

This year’s event’s theme was mysticism. All those willing could attend a spiritualistic séance: solve the mystery of each other, test their “twin flame” (understand and hear each other without a sound uttered), consult with a professional astrologist, as well as learn about their compatibility with a friend or romantic partner.

“The today’s festivities’ theme is mysticism. We chose this theme since romantic couples often visit tarot readers and astrologist, and address the stars on the issues about their relationships. Of course, this holiday is not of Russian origin. But our university is a multinational one. In addition, many people find their love namely at a university, so we wanted to commemorate that,” shared the event organizer, student of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Uliana Voinova.

There were plenty of those willing to register their relationships. All of them wanted to get a marriage certificate with their other half. While people waited in line, the host entertained them with love songs and funny dancing.

The newly-weds Anton Taushnik and Polina Kazanova shared their emotions:

“We saw a post in the website group and thought that it would be interesting to come and celebrate such a wedding. They even gave us rings, that’s amazing. This is an unusual day, filled with love. So, we decided to come here and share it with the organizers, other romantic couples and with each other.”

As the tradition goes, all students could register their friendship, marriage or divorce. However, there also was something new: there were two venues offering to undergo these three processes this year. As the organizers explained, there were too many of those willing to register their relationships, so they wanted to give that chance to everyone. Also, all the participants could take pictures at a photo zone with wedding decorations.


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