Give Books with Love: SUSU Library Opens a Book-crossing Point at the Inter-university Campus

February 14th is a special day not only for romantic couples, but also for those who love reading. The International Book Giving Day is celebrated on this date. The Scientific Library of South Ural State University prepared a special gift for students living at the inter-university campus. In the co-working space of the campus hotel, a Book-crossing Point was opened: a place where all those willing can share their favourite books with other people.

The International Book Giving Day is a holiday that appeared relatively recently, in 2012. The holiday idea belongs to an English writer Emma Perry, and it was supported by many writers and publishers from all over the world. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated for 8 years now. Events on the occasion of the Book Giving Day are organized with the support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

“As the tradition goes, people give books on this day. Some people collect books and hand them over to libraries, and libraries hand them over to child-care homes, hospitals and dormitories. We have also decided to join this campaign and brought books to the student campus. Anyone can come and take them to read, return them here, or share their own favourites. Today we are mostly giving fiction literature so that students could relax and enjoy reading in a cosy atmosphere. Next year, we are planning on also attracting libraries of other universities in Chelyabinsk, to make it a big-scale campaign,” shared Director of the SUSU Scientific Library Svetlana Smolina.

The Book-crossing Point is organized at the hotel of the inter-university campus. This format means that after a person reads a book, s/he leaves it in a public space so that any other random person could find this book and read it. There are absolutely different books available on the shelves: from classic works of literature to popular science editions, study guides and modern bestsellers. Any person can both take a book s/he likes and leave a book of their own, thus the collection will be refilled.

“I believe that it’s wonderful that such a book point has been organized. For lovers of reading, it’s a great opportunity to come and enjoy the multitude of various books and add your own books, too. On this day, I have also received a gift of a book about the Chelyabinsk Region describing the most beautiful locations of our region,” shared student Danil Yakimov.

Students have already expressed their appreciation of this new book corner at the campus. Many of them are looking forward to read the books brought by the SUSU library and will be happy to share their own favourite editions.

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