Eco-fertilizers and Unique Materials: World Researchers Will Discuss the Future of Science

The Future Technologies Forum will be held in Moscow February 20th through February 21st. It will bring together successful representatives of the scientific community. These are scientists and businessmen from Russia and other countries who want to join their efforts for technological development and establishment of the scientific sovereignty.

The forum first opened in 2023 with the support from the Government of the Russian Federation, and has been held annually since then. The agenda of the forum is updated every year; previously, the forum was dedicated to quantum communications and medical technologies.

This year’s topic is the New Materials and Chemistry national project. This is one of the most important areas in the industrial development of our country. Leading scientists are engaged in the development of materials with unique properties that can be used in various fields and make production more environmentally friendly and efficient. These are projects such as “green chemistry”, bioprinting and environmentally friendly fertilizers.

“This year, the Forum will focus on new materials and chemistry, and the achievements by our scientists and companies, high-tech technologies and innovative developments will be presented. Today, Russia is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of research and development, and we are creating a modern scientific infrastructure. The interaction of representatives of science, business, and government officials plays a key role in achieving the technological leadership by our country,” says Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Future Technologies Forum Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The Forum will become a platform for exchanging ideas, which can lead to the introduction of new technologies and improvement of processes in various fields. The SUSU First Vice-Rector for Research Anton Korzhov notes that South Ural scientists are constantly looking for innovative solutions that will benefit both our region and our country in general. Such developments are being conducted, among other things, in the new youth Laboratory of Low-Tonnage Chemistry at SUSU.

“This is the first laboratory in our region where specialists for low-tonnage and medium-tonnage chemistry will be specially trained. Despite the enormous demand, this industry practically does not exist in our region. The task of the research team is to obtain highly effective catalysts for the synthesis of biocompatible plasticizers for use in household and industrial plastics. The project is aimed at resolving the most important industrial contradiction: the laboratory is preparing the foundation for the formation of an industry for which there is a severe shortage in our region,” says Anton Korzhov.

The Future Technologies Forum will also include discussions and sessions where scientists will talk about production and import substitution, technology development, and the development of Russian chemicals that are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Much attention is now being paid to biomedical technologies: biomaterials, bionic prostheses, exoskeletons, and tissue engineering.

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