SUSU is launching a new flexible format of training in the Design major in the Graphic Design programme.
In 2025, the Department of Technology and Design is offering places for this academic programme in full-time and part-time modes of study. Monitoring of student opinions showed that designer students quickly find work or part-time jobs, as a rule, they are in demand in varying volumes on the labour market. As a result, they have to combine full-time studies and work, and this leads to missing classes, which of course affects their academic performance. The full-time and part-time format of training imply the students’ attending offline (in person) classes 4 days a week, which start after 17:00. The remaining part of the educational process is organised online.
“This schedule fully meets the needs of creative students. The modern generation prefers to “create” at night, as a rule, students spend their daytime hours sleeping, working part-time, chatting, and doing other things, but the creation of projects, detailed development, and creativity are born in the late evening, which does not allow them to get enough sleep and get into working order to come to classes by 8-9 am. We offer applicants the format that will be comfortable for them, which can be combined with work and at the same time, where they can gain practice-oriented knowledge and skills. The teaching staff of the department includes leaders of the scientific community and experts in the design industry: members of the Union of Designers of Russia, the chief artist of our city, members of the Union of Artists of Russia, and engineers,” noted Kristina Bogomozova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service.
Starting from June 20, 2025, the university's admissions campaign will begin, and you will be able to submit your documents for enrolling. For more detailed information on training in the Design major, please call at 8 9000 202 202.