Rector Alexander Wagner congratulates on Russian Students' Day.

Dear students, postgraduates and teaching staff members of South Ural State University!

My most sincere congratulations to you on the Russian Students Day!

We support and develop the traditions of this wonderful holiday that has deep historical roots. At the same time it always looks ahead to the future since it is namely during student years that we lay the foundations of forming our personality.

Tatiana’s Day is a favourite holiday not only among young people, but among teaching staff as well. All those, who have been lucky enough to be students, remember the years of their studies as the most interesting, joyful and at the same time important period of their life. They remember their friends and informal talks with their mentors, who explained the big meanings to them, inspired and motivated them.

This holiday is associated with positive emotions and bright impressions, happy meetings and fascinating prospects. The future to a great extent depends on the degree of involvement into the scientific-and-educational process and extracurricular activities. To become successful, you need profound knowledge and pro-active attitude to life.

We are proud of the students who win grants, implement interdisciplinary projects, conduct deep scientific research studies, become winners in various competitions, and enthusiastically engage in volunteer work. South Ural State University provides great opportunities for you to unveil your talents and fulfil yourself in all kinds of fields of activity. I feel confident that big achievements await each pro-active student ahead.

May the process of obtaining knowledge bring you joy and a wish to make this world a better place! Set the bar high for yourself, have faith that you can do it, and achieve the planned results!

Happy holiday, dear friends!

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