Scam Alert!

SUSU corporate resources and electronic document management will help you avoid contacts with scammers.

Due to the increasing number of cases of fraud in messengers, the university administration reminds students, university administrative and academic staff that SUSU has implemented and successfully operates the Directum electronic document management system, corporate e-mail system, and the UNIVERIS information system. All business correspondence and communication among employees and the university management shall be conducted only using these resources. It is convenient and safe! The use of any messengers for official correspondence and solving work issues is not allowed! Use the university’s electronic resources and landline office phones for these purposes.

If you receive a suspicious call from the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Directors, Heads of departments, including representatives of government agencies, via any messenger (Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.), we strongly recommend that you do not enter into negotiations or provide the criminals with your personal information and bank details. Report all cases of suspicious activity to your immediate supervisor!

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