Lunar New Year: How Is New Year Celebrated in China?

New Year is a special holiday for every person. But all nations have their own traditions of celebrating it, with specific sacral meaning. We have talked to Ruxue Wang, one of our students from China, and learned how this holiday is celebrated in her home country.

– New Year is celebrated in your country in February. So, while you live in Russia, you get a chance to celebrate it twice?

– I do, indeed. This is a double holiday for me now. You use the Gregorian calendar to celebrate it, and in China we use the lunar calendar and the exact date is different every time. In 2025, we will only have to wait till January 29th. Usually, the celebration is held late in February. And by the way, New Year's festivities in China are held during 15 days! Each day has a specific meaning. And the celebrations wrap up with big-scale theatrical parades! I think, you might have seen such bright photos on the Internet.

– Which customs do people follow up to this day?

– You need to put gifts in special stockings! They say that you can't take a shower on this day since you'll wash away all the good luck. And you also can't sweep the floor, or take out the garbage as this also might lead to the good luck leaving you. You shouldn't use scissors or knives so that you don't cut off the "flow" of wealth to you. And you should avoid quarrels with your near and dear ones.

– What is the main difference of this holiday in China and Russia?

– There are much more New Year trees in Russia! That I've noticed for sure!

– How will you be seeing the year of 2024 out? With your family, or already with your friends from the university?

– Yes, this year I'd like to try celebrating it together with my university friends. This is an interesting experience.

– And now a tasty question for you: what dishes should be cooked?

– Generally, for any holiday in China, all the family members gather to make dumplings. This is our tradition. But we also put meat, fish and fruits on the table.

– What gifts will ensure that the new year is a good one?

– Oh, I'm happy to receive any kind of gifts! It's always nice to feel the care and love from your relatives and friends. If we talk about our national traditions, then we normally exchange red envelopes with money in them.

– We always hope that our New Year's wishes come true. What would you wish for yourself?

– I wish to learn the Russian language better! [laughs]

Read more on how we celebrate the Chinese New Year at South Ural State University here.


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