Student from Department of Technology and Design Wins in International Competition

Timofey Chebotaev, a fourth-year student of the Department of Technology and Design at the SUSU Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service, has won prizes in the competition of creative works of students, Master's degree students and postgraduates in the field of Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials, which took place within the framework of the International Science-to-practice Conference "Science and Creativity in the Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials" at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University.

Every year, designers and technologists from all over the world present their works at the competition. This year, students from 17 Russian universities and the Egyptian Russian University from Cairo have participated in the event. The competition is held in nine categories, including: Drawing and Painting, 3D Modelling of Artistic and Industrial Products, Technological and Design Projects, and Mastery as per Types of Materials.

Timofey received first-degree certificates in the categories of 3D Modelling, and Drawing, and a second-degree certificate in the Painting category. The jury members highly appreciated the work of our student.

"I am very pleased to receive such a high award at the international competition," said Timofey Chebotaev. "I believe that it is very important for aspiring designers to participate in exhibitions, demonstrate their work and watch what others are doing. I really enjoy studying at the Department of Technology and Design and improving my skills in the field of product design. I try not to stop there! This year, I've had an opportunity to take an internship at the well-known enterprise ZAO Praktika in Zlatoust, which specializes in the manufacture of products using the world-famous Zlatoust steel engraving technique. I am currently working on a diploma project in the field of 3D modelling and additive technologies. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, a wonderful teacher, head of the department Tatiana Vekovtseva for her comprehensive assistance and support in preparing my competition works."

Our sincere congratulations to Timofey! We wish him new victories and creative success!

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