Congratulations on Volunteer Day from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Valery Falkov

Dear volunteers!

On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday, Volunteer Day.

On this day, whole country honours your invaluable efforts and commitment that you demonstrate during your activity. Your strive to make the world a better place and your readiness to give a helping hand and support to those in need inspire many people and serve as an example to others. You are the true heroes of our time, and your contribution to the development of the society cannot be overestimated.

Volunteering is not only noble work, but also an important part of the formation of citizen activism and social responsibility. You create a community of fellow-thinkers, who are ready to work together for the common good. Your work helps strengthen the ties between people and cultivates the spirit of mutual aid and support.

I wish you health, energy and inspiration in your noble activities! May each step of yours bring the joy and hope to those in need.

Thank you for your selfless and unconditional work and kindness!

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