Elvira Valeeva: Sociology Harbours Endless Opportunities

Why is sociology compared to space? What are the misconceptions in this field? How can a student avoid burnout? Is it possible to quickly establish trusting contact with people?

On Sociologist Day, Elvira Valeeva, Head of the SUSU Department of Sociology, answers these questions.

– What field of sociology attracts you the most?

– Sociology, like the endless space, is always full of mysteries and discoveries. Each of its fields, be it social psychology, sociology of culture, education or family, harbours endless opportunities for research. Just as astronomers discover new stars and galaxies, sociologists continue to study the unknown facets of human behaviour and social processes. Every year, new horizons open up before us, and this makes each field of sociology equally attractive and important.

– What is the biggest misconception in this field that you would like to disprove?

– The idea that sociological theories and conclusions are based solely on subjective opinions and interpretations. Many believe that the results of sociological research depend only on the personal views of researchers and do not have an objective scientific basis.

In fact, sociology is a strict scientific discipline that uses data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, and document analysis to obtain reliable information about social processes and phenomena. This data is then subjected to careful analysis using statistical methods and logical reasoning, which allows for informed conclusions to be drawn.

In this sense, sociology is no different from other scientific disciplines such as physics or biology, where strict standards for testing hypotheses and results also exist.

Correcting this misconception is important because it helps people better understand social reality and make informed decisions based on scientific evidence. Sociology provides valuable tools for analysing and solving social problems. Recognizing its scientific status will help society use these tools more effectively.

– Do social networks and AI simplify the work of specialists or is this unacceptable?

– They have become indispensable assistants in the work of a sociologist. Technologies open up endless expanses of data before us, allowing us to penetrate deeper into the secrets of human relationships and social processes. Technologies accelerate our movement forward, as engines of progress, helping us solve complex problems and find answers to the most pressing questions of our time.

– I understand that, like other work with people, sociology can contribute to burnout. Can this be avoided? Do you have any advice for students of our department?

– When it comes to professional burnout, imagine a sociologist who is so immersed in studying society that he himself becomes part of the experiment! But joking aside, here are some tips to avoid burnout:

1. Coffee break: If your eyes are already seeing only graphs and tables, it is time to take a break. Grab a cup of coffee and think about something completely abstract. You can discuss the latest memes!

2. Physical activity: Sometimes the best way to understand the complexities of society is to go for a walk. Fresh air and a little movement will help restore clarity of thought.

3. Diversity of interests: Remember that sociology is not only a job, but also a passion. Find a hobby that will make you happy outside of the professional framework. Maybe collecting badges or playing the guitar?

4. Communication with colleagues: Sometimes the most effective way to avoid burnout is to share your experiences with those who understand you best. Who knows, maybe your colleague also dreams of a weekend outdoors!

5. Humour: And of course, do not forget to smile! Laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes even the most serious problem seems less scary if you look at it with humour.

So, remember that professional success begins with taking care of yourself. Take care of yourself and enjoy your work!

– How to instantly establish trust with people? Can you share your professional secrets?

– To instantly gain trust, start a conversation with the phrase: “I know what you’re thinking right now!” – and make a serious face. And then add: “You think how great it is that I’m here!” People will be delighted! But seriously, the professional secrets of sociologists are the ability to listen and ask the right questions. Imagine that you are a detective who is unravelling the mystery of the human soul. The main thing is not to interrupt and let the person feel that their voice is important. And it’s also useful to wear glasses – they add solidity and trust [laughs].

– How is Sociologist Day celebrated at SUSU?

– November 14th has been starting with the sociological dictation quiz held by the All-Russian Centre for the Study of Public Opinion for several years now. Participation in the dictation quiz helps broaden horizons and deepen knowledge in sociology. Sociological battles are held for first-year students, i.e., classes in a game form. And of course, how can we do without a traditional tea party with our favourite graduates of the department and colleagues at work?!


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