What Did School Kids Present in their Projects at the 2024 Children’s Ecological Forum?

On day one of the All-Russian Children’s Ecological Forum, the participants met at a science-to-practice conference to present their projects.

Among the participants of the science-to-practice conference were 3500 school pupils of the 5th–11th forms. They defended around 200 reports. As part of the Children’s Ecological Forum, such a conference gives an opportunity to exchange experience, meet fellow-thinkers and compete for the victory in 18 categories. Winners receive support for the fulfilment of their ecological projects.

The Children’s Ecological Forum is held at various venues in Chelyabinsk. The following sections were working at the SUSU venue: Natural Areas of Preferential Protection; Clean Water; Clean Country; Clean Air; Eco-house; Agroecology; and Ecological Culture.

The Head of the “Children and Youth Social Initiatives” All-Russian Public Organization and moderator of the Eco-house section Pavel Bubenkov addressed a welcome speech to school children:

“For 5 years now we’ve been engaged in ecology both in theory and practice. It all started from our hobby: we like diving, and once in the process we managed to clean the underwater territory. Since then we have been doing the underwater cleaning on a regular basis. I hope that your hobbies can help protect the environment as well. I expect that at today’s conference you will hear something useful for yourselves. Good luck!”

The reports covered very diverse topics: school kids talked about fungi and lichens in their city, about petunia propagation by cuttings, about the condition of water in their neighbourhood, and even about the sanitary-and-epidemiological situation in their school.

Director for Public Relations of AO Naftagaz company Varvara Paal acted as an expert at the Clean Water section and said the following to the young ecologists:

“I hope that here you will learn something new, form a new attitude towards environmental problems, learn something from your colleagues, and meet your fellow-thinkers. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Open your eyes and bend your ears, and focus on what is happening right beside you.”

On day two of the forum, a plenary session will be held, as well as the Awards Ceremony for winners in the 18 categories. All the projects that make it to the second round will be granted financial support according to the results of the voting of the forum’s Organizing Committee. 



Veronika Strelnikova, photo by Sergey Kachko
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