SUSU Signs an Agreement of Intent with Metran as Partner of the Inter-university Campus

Metran Group of Companies and South Ural State University have signed an agreement of intent, according to which Metran will act as partner of the world-class inter-university campus in the Chelyabinsk Region. The agreement has been signed in the course of the meeting of the Board of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk Region.

As a result of the joint work of South Ural State University and Metran Group of Companies, the inter-university campus will be training engineers and specialists in the field of process automation. This will allow to provide more profound knowledge to Master’s degree students, broaden their practical experience in the development of scientific and engineering products, as well as organize their collaboration with experts in this sector.

In order to implement this agreement, Metran Group of Companies plans to open Intelligent Manufacturing research and scientific laboratories at the campus, as well as ensure that the company’s staff take part in science-and-engineering and educational projects as experts and advisers. In its turn, South Ural State University intends to engage research teams in the joint fulfilment of the relevant science-and-technology projects, and also develop and implement educational programmes in the majors agreed upon together with Metran Group of Companies.

Metran Company was founded in 1992. Starting from 2000 and to date, Metran holds the leading position in the production and development of measuring equipment in Russia. World-class production processes, high culture of manufacturing, quality management system, modern equipment and rigging facilities, highly qualified personnel – all of that adds up to the development of instrumentation engineering in general. The processes and technologies used at the Metran plant help the company design new devices, open production lines, guarantee the high quality of their products, and shorten the lead time of delivery.
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