Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School Held at SUSU

A meeting of the Supervisory Board of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School of Engine Building and Special Equipment of South Ural State University was held. Important topics of planning and development of the advanced engineering school for 2024–2025 were discussed at the meeting.

Pavel Yakovlev, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, General Director of Automobile Plant URAL JSC, and Chairman of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Russian Engineering Union proposed to organise regular meetings of the Board four times a year in order to promptly respond to current tasks and adjust long-term plans.

The meeting was also attended by the SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner, Director of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute - Kazan Federal University, Academic Advisor of the “Cyber Auto Tech” Advanced Engineering School Georgiy Kotiev, Rector of Donbass State Technical University Dmitriy Vishnevskiy, Deputy Director for Innovation Activities of the Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM Zakhid Godzhaev.

Director of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School Sergey Taran presented a detailed report on the achieved results and plans for the future. He noted that over the past nine months the school has been actively developing, forming the necessary personnel and material and technical support to achieve the declared indicators for the creation and implementation of educational programmes, training and retraining of personnel, additional training of students and building long-term and productive relationships with industrial enterprises.

“New educational programmes and programmes of supplementary professional education (SPE) have been elaborated and approved for the next academic year. And student training has already begun: 65 students have enrolled for the first graduating class of the Master’s degree. In October and November, internships are planned for Master’s degree students who have passed the competitive selection for practical training at Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute NAMI and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. At the same time, the teaching staff is being trained in the best practices at leading technological and scientific and technical organizations, such as Skolkovo, Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute NAMI and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, “Digital Engineering” Advanced Engineering School, “Cyber Auto Tech” Advanced Engineering School, “Digital Production” Advanced Engineering School, and other institutions,” said Sergey Taran.

In addition, the Advanced Engineering School is actively conducting career guidance work with school pupils, engaging them in engineering sciences and special equipment.

In his presentation, Sergey Taran emphasized that the main goal of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School is to create a system for training interdisciplinary engineers and technical leaders with high competencies in the field of development and management of complex scientific and technical projects. To achieve this goal, the school actively cooperates with leading industrial companies and scientific organizations, develops a strategy for regional technological leadership and participates in strategic and complex projects.

The scientific and technical subdivision of the Advanced Engineering School includes cutting-edge research laboratories fitted with experimental and technological equipment and test benches. There is also a Computer Engineering Centre which provides competencies in the field of digital modelling and calculations. As part of the development program of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School, it is planned to provide more equipment for laboratories to solve promising projects and in the interests of industrial partners.

The meeting participants discussed key areas of work and approved plans for the next academic year aimed at strengthening the educational process and developing the scientific and technical potential of the school.

The meeting of the Supervisory Board confirmed the high level of training and strategic plans of the “Heart of the Urals” Advanced Engineering School. Thanks to cooperation with leading industrial partners and a focus on relevant scientific and technical areas, the school continues to strengthen its position as a centre for training highly qualified engineering personnel who can make a significant contribution to the development of transport vehicles, special equipment and engine building in the region and beyond.

The Advanced Engineering Schools federal project is being implemented within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation state program of the Russian Federation.

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