Chairman of Supervisory Council Viktor Khristenko Visited SUSU

On September 26th, the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Chairman of the Supervisory Council of SUSU, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), philanthropist Viktor Khristenko paid a business visit to South Ural State University. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with new laboratories and opened faculties.

The starting point of the event was a visit to the Quantum Engineering of Light Laboratory headed by Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) Sergey Kulik. Also, Viktor Khristenko, together with his colleagues and scientists from our university, was presented with a report, in which Sergey Kulik spoke in more details about the essence of quantum mechanics and the promising directions of the laboratory.

Also a Laboratory for Inframetrics based on quantum interferometry was presented by senior researcher Anna Paterova.

Next, our guest was shown the Faculty of Mechatronics and Robotics, which has been opened at the beginning of this academic year. This is a joint educational project of our university and the Chelyabinsk Forge and Press Plant.

"I was surprised by the speed of the project implementation at the faculty. And there are a total of three floors. This points to the most important thing: there is a great interest in this specialty among students and the industrial partner, who, in general, not only invests, but is ready to accept a much larger number of graduates, specialists from this faculty. This is great, of course. SUSU can develop, from my point of view, only with a scientific and research core, and then the educational, traditional sphere will be effective and interesting. In this case, it will attract students and industrial partners here. Therefore, the future of SUSU is in this balance of not only applied, but also fundamental research together with educational programmes," noted Viktor Khristenko.

Students of the faculty study unique educational programmes in relevant areas: automobile transport, energy, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, and technology.

In addition, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, SUSU alumnus Valery Gartung shared his impressions of the new laboratories and the tour as a whole:

"One of my first impressions and memories of SUSU, when I walk through the corridors and offices, is how I once took the thermodynamics exam in this building. Of course, it is wonderful and memorable. When I see the laboratories and current students, what wonderful conditions the guys in this faculty study in, it also feels very nice. Previously, we could not even dream of such a thing. You can feel that this is a university of the next century. The impressions are unforgettable, and I think that SUSU is on the right path. I would like to express special words of gratitude to Viktor Khristenko since he allocates his personal funds to support young scientists. This is worth a lot, and I believe that we should follow his example."

Our guest was also given a tour of School 21, which had opened at the end of August 2024, after which the meeting was summed up.

Brief information

Viktor Khristenko was born in Chelyabinsk in 1957. Since 1997, he has worked in the Government of the Russian Federation, holding the positions of Deputy and First Deputy Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister and First Deputy Prime Minister, and acting Chairman of the Government. In 2004–2008, he was the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. From 2008 to 2012, he held the position of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Viktor Khristenko was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree (2006); the Order of Honour (2012); the Stolypin Medal (2012); as well as a letter of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation and an honorary diploma from the Government of the Russian Federation.


Anastasiia Kungurtseva, photos by Sergey Kachko
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