Achievements and Development Prospects: A Meeting between the Rector and University Staff Held at SUSU

A ceremonial meeting of the Rector with the university administrative and academic staff, dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year, was held at South Ural State University on August 31st. The SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner congratulated everyone on the Knowledge Day, outlined the results of the past year and plans for the future. His speech was supplemented by video comments from the First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Research Anton Korzhov, Vice-Rector for Education Marina Potapova and Vice-Rector for Estates and Facilities Vadim Trofimychev.

“The university is a place where more and more new opportunities are appearing every day. I would like to wish both students and academic staff a big amount of work, so that they use these opportunities to a greater extent, do not miss their chances that will serve their professional growth, self-development, so that they become more in demand, successful and glorify our university,” said Alexander Wagner.

Over the past academic year, the university achieved high results in many areas of activity. In particular, SUSU entered the top world rankings, the educational activities of the university significantly expanded due to the launch of new projects, and research teams conducted a large number of important studies.

“The fund of knowledge that the university provides today is colossal, and this is very much in demand in our industrial region. Today, the governor and the city development strategy set the task of switching to new industrial tracks of active implementation of technologies. New laboratories and faculties are being created at the university, and ties with industrial enterprises in our region are strengthening. Young people have every opportunity to join this leadership and gain the knowledge that will be in demand by the economy of the region in the near future, as well as acquire important professions that will allow them to feel confident in the labour market,” said Andrey Shmidt, Chairman of the Chelyabinsk City Duma.

The plans of university development for the next academic year were also discussed at the meeting. SUSU enters a new stage of growth, and the university staff is ready for new challenges and opportunities.

“The most important thing I would like to wish the students is to make the most of all opportunities, to create and build. Students now have the best time in terms of investing in themselves. Set ambitious goals for yourself, achieve them, and you will be successful. As for the academics, of course, they also have a large number of areas of work with students. Young people here are very talented, and given the current opportunities, they will definitely succeed. I congratulate you on the Knowledge Day, I wish you success, and, of course, health, well-being, and enjoy studying at SUSU,” congratulated the participants of the meeting the Minister of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region Vitaliy Litke.

The past academic year was successful for South Ural State University, which continues to develop and strengthen its positions in Russia and on the international arena.

And wrapping up the ceremony, the rector awarded the honoured guests with certificates of appreciation for long-term support of the educational, scientific, technical, social and cultural activities of South Ural State University.

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