SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner Held Meeting with Leaders of FORENERGO Holding

A working meeting with the leaders of the FORENERGO holding took place at SUSU on Saturday. First Vice-President of the holding Vitaly Kobzev and Director of the Department for the Work with Government Authorities Ella Irmukhametova met with the SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner and First Vice-Rector for Research Anton Korzhov to discuss the current and future joint projects.

The discussion touched upon the further implementation of a project on computer vision for identifying defects in glass insulators, developed by SUSU scientists. This technology was presented at the INNOPROM 2024 International Technical Exhibition in Yekaterinburg.

The parties agreed to implement an improved software package at the holding’s enterprises in Yuzhnouralsk, what will help automate the process of product quality control. In addition, the possibility of cooperation on the second project related to the construction of a plant for the production of varistors in Yuzhnouralsk was considered.

Representatives of FORENERGO also expressed their interest in other SUSU projects and agreed to hold an extended meeting for a detailed study of new laboratories of the university.

Also during the visit, a meeting with Yuliia Bolotina, Head of the Department for Strategic Work with Applicants, was held. Issues of further interaction regarding students enrolled under the patronage of FORENERGO were discussed. It was decided to provide additional scholarships to these students.

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