SUSU sums up the results of participation in INNOPROM-2024

The annual international industrial exhibition INNOPROM-2024, which lasted from July 8 to 11, has ended in Yekaterinburg. At the collective stand of the Chelyabinsk Region, the South Ural State University presented its developments in the field of nutrition, ecology, metallurgy, transport engineering, new technologies and materials. All the inventions of scientists are aimed at achieving the technological sovereignty of the country.

Visitors to the exhibition saw eleven exhibits-inventions from leading research fellows of the South Ural State University, who conduct their developments at the regional project office of the Ural Interregional Scientific and Educational Center of World Class, at the regional stand. Among the exhibits are a model of the unique municipal vehicle MCME-500, prototypes of shin and foot prostheses made of polymer and composite materials, new sorbents for water purification, smart biodegradable biosensor films, dry concentrates of nutraceutical drinks with an improved health profile, a model of the electrohydraulic power amplifier EGUM-10 and other inventions.



Twenty-four people were included in the SUSU delegation at INNOPROM. Scientists took part in the business program dedicated to innovations in industry, digital production, industrial infrastructure, and educational solutions for industry.

On the first day of the industrial exhibition, the Brazilian company Smart technology company and representatives of SUSU held talks on the prospects for industrial cooperation. Brazilian developers of digital control and measuring devices sell their flowmeter products in fifty countries around the world.

Wanting to get established in the Russian market, the foreign company is ready to move to active cooperation with the Russian industrial group "Metran" in direct interaction with scientists of the South Ural State University. As the first vice-rector and vice-rector for science of SUSU Anton Korzhov said, "this is a good opportunity to promote the developments of SUSU scientists to foreign countries. The main thing is that by combining the efforts of the university and manufacturing companies, flow meters of higher quality will be obtained."


Day 2

On the second day of INNOPROM, SUSU and its industrial partner agreed to expand their cooperation. During the meeting, the head of the world's leading enterprise in the field of production of equipment for power transmission lines and substations "FORENERGO" Nikolay Karasev and the vice-rector for research work of SUSU Anton Korzhov discussed the further implementation of the machine vision project for identifying defects in glass insulators (developed by SUSU scientists) directly on the territory of the enterprise in Yuzhnouralsk.

" Over the past six months, the university team has developed a setup for identifying a number of defects in glass insulators, which currently allows them to be identified without human intervention," says Anton Korzhov. "Now the setup needs additional training with data. For this purpose, our system will be installed at a partner enterprise in late July - early August."

Also on the second day of the exhibition, an initiative information meeting of the Chelyabinsk Region delegation, which included representatives of SUSU, with colleagues from the Egyptian company LOS AMIGOS, which specializes in promoting Russian companies to the markets of Egypt and African countries, was held. The participants of the meeting discussed the possibilities of Russian enterprises entering the Egyptian market, as well as prospects for cooperation in scientific consulting and educational programs.

SUSU scientist Ivan Fedosov took part in B2B negotiations organized by the Union of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan, where he discussed with colleagues the prospects for implementing the university's developments in industrial enterprises.

On the same day, the SUSU delegation visited the business program: the session “Digital acceleration of industry: robotics, AI, unmanned production”, as well as the panel discussion “Advanced engineering schools: prospects for the formation of a sustainable system of interaction between universities and industry”.

The session discussed how to increase the productivity of enterprises with the help of digitalization. The speakers included the CEO of Rosatom, the scientific director of the National Center of Physics and Mathematics, the assistant to the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, and other leaders of the Russian economy. During the session, they came to the conclusion that additional acceleration of industrial development through artificial intelligence is simply necessary.

The panel discussion on advanced engineering schools was attended by SUSU Vice-Rector for Research Anton Korzhov and Director of the Advanced Engineering School of Engine Building and Special Equipment "Heart of the Urals" (SUSU) Sergey Taran . They discussed the problems that AES faces in its development. Particular attention was paid to the prospects for interaction between universities and enterprises, and the participants of the meeting proposed their own ways to improve advanced engineering schools. It is noteworthy that during the discussion, South Ural State University was noted as a university with a clear development strategy plan.


Day 3

On the third day of the industrial exhibition, SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner spoke as an expert at the strategic session "Scientific and Educational Centers in the System of Scientific and Technological Development of Regions". The key topics of the discussion were:

– mechanisms for the formation of a “seamless” system for the creation and implementation of innovations in the a world-class scientific and educational center within the framework of the formation of strategies for the scientific and technological development of regions;

– involvement of regional executive authorities in the implementation of the a world-class scientific and educational center development program. Support measures provided to a world-class scientific and educational center participants;

– youth laboratories in the structure of the a world-class scientific and educational center. Problems and prospects;

– training of specialists in the regions in response to the needs of the industrial sector: the impact of a world-class scientific and educational center on the training of personnel in universities and research institutes, training of qualified personnel for high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy.

In addition, the director of the SUSU "Heart of the Urals" AES Sergey Taran, the head of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. "Digital Engineering" PIS Alexey Borovkov and the vice-rector for digital transformation of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. signed a cooperation agreement to ensure conditions for the creation of a new type of engineering training, the implementation of breakthrough developments and research aimed at solving problems that meet the world level of relevance and significance in priority areas of technological development, including programs for the development of advanced engineering schools and world-class research centers.

One of the exhibitors at the university’s exhibition area, Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Materials and Products at SUSU Marina Butakova noted that she had made several contacts that were useful from a practical point of view at the main international industrial exhibition in Russia.

"We have reached out to potential manufacturers of our scientific developments, namely sorption-active materials that effectively purify wastewater from pollutants," says Marina Butakova. "SIBUR PolyLab LLC (the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center) proposed concluding a framework agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation with them. Thanks to INNOPROM-2024, the university is strengthening industrial ties with Donetsk: cement manufacturer Pik-Cement LLC suggested that we consider the possibility of using their products in our developments, and representatives of the state corporation Nedra also expressed their interest in joint cooperation."

Of the foreign companies, delegates from the Chinese company Shanghai Civil & Road instrument Co., Ltd., which produces ceramic and concrete products, were particularly interested in the SUSU development.

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