Applicant-2024: apply for employer-sponsored education

Which university to choose? Pay or fight for a state-funded place? Will my specialty be in demand? The fear of being left without a job has visited every graduate at least once. Except for those who took part in the targeted recruitment program.


A reminder for applicants applying through employer-sponsored education recruitment .

What is employer-sponsored education

An applicant is admitted to a budget place, but not within the general competition, but specifically within the competition for employer-sponsored places. Their number becomes known before the start of the admissions campaign. And the state pays for the student.

The main objective of such education is the targeted and timely preparation of a personnel reserve for employer organizations.

For students, this is an opportunity to build a professional training trajectory in a chosen field of study or university specialty based on contractual relations with an employer organization, for which employer-sponsored education is a guarantee of obtaining specialists with the necessary set of knowledge, practical skills and necessary professional qualities.

This year, 446 places for targeted admission have been allocated to South Ural State University. Of these, 176 are from enterprises that took part in the Ministry of Industry and Trade competition and received a detailed quota, where places are allocated only for their applicants.

The acceptance of applications from defense industry enterprises wishing to apply for target quotas has also ended. At the moment, the most sought-after specialties among employers are being calculated. But already now the first lines are occupied by engineering and technical areas - more relevant than ever in the modern world.

Since the beginning of the work of the admissions committee, the university specialists have been working with applicants, telling them about the offers of enterprises for admission to targeted training. Including about individual, targeted and special quotas.

"We have a good and large bank of proposals from employers, handouts. From July 1 to 10, the university will be visited by representatives of enterprises to strengthen this procedure of interaction with applicants - future specialists and potential employers ," says Yulia Bolotina , Head of the Department for Strategic Work with Applicants.»

Just like last year, SUSU has a Support Center for applicants and their parents. Here they can not only learn about the areas of training - the university staff will consult on all issues related to admission, and will help some choose a specialty.


The main advantages of employer-sponsored eduation:

– mastering a profession through educational programs in the development of which employer organizations directly participated;

– a practice-oriented approach to learning: direct assistance from the employer during studies, collection of necessary information for coursework/projects, essays for practice, scientific publications and, of course, a thesis;

– guaranteed employment after graduation from university (with at least three years of work from the start of work);

– the possibility of combining training and internship at the customer’s enterprise. Some of them provide the opportunity to work during studies (but in senior years) on a flexible schedule;

– other additional support measures from the employer during university studies: scholarship, payment of transportation costs, etc.

How to declare a desire to study under targeted recruitment?

1. Through the State Services portal, where proposals from enterprises (except for the military-industrial complex) will be presented;

2. Directly contact the SUSU Admissions Office. Applicants will be provided with employers' contacts and together with them will be provided not only a consultation, but also a tour of the enterprise.

South Ural State University conducts innovative research in most priority areas of science and technology development. SUSU is focused on developing large scientific interdisciplinary projects in the field of digital industry, materials science and ecology.

It is worth noting that in 2021, SUSU won the competition under the Priority-2030 program. The university serves as a regional project office for the world-class Ural Interregional Scientific and Educational Center (UMNOC). The university will open its doors to applicants to the advanced engineering school "Heart of the Urals". It is designed to accumulate best practices, advanced production experience, scientific achievements and ensure their transfer to new generations of engineers.

SUSU includes 10 institutes and higher schools, the Institute of Open and Distance Education, the Institute of Continuing Education, the Center for Work with Applicants, the Military Training Center, and 3 branches (Zlatoust, Miass, and Nizhnevartovsk). You can find out more about the structure of the university on the website.

For more information, please contact the Support Center via WhatsApp: 8 902 611 38 33 

Reception hours for applicants:

Monday–Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.

Saturday–Sunday from 9:00 to 13:00.

Address: Lenin Avenue, 76, main academic building.

SUSU Admissions Office phone number: 8 (800) 300-00-55

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