The Book of SUSU Scientists in Modeling in Technology and Economics Released in Switzerland

In May 2024 magazine «Mathematics» of international publishing house MDPI released collective monograph «Mathematical Modeling of Engineering and Socio-Economic Processes and Systems», devoted to elect achievements of SUSU scientists.

An extensive book in hardcover is published as a special issue of the Mathematics, included in the top 10 by version Web of Science, and therefore the results of Ural scientists will become famous globally. With every day, the number of accesses to the electronic version of the book, which is free to access, is steadily growing.

The editors of the book were Doctor of Engineering of the Department «Automotive transport» Sergey Alukov, professor of the department «Digital Economics and Information Technologies», Doctor of Economics Anatolii Alabugin and head of the Department of «Industrial Thermal Power Engineering», Candidate of Technical Sciences Konstantin Osintsev.

«Considering a great amount of our publications in Q1 level magazines in the world citation database Scopus and Web of Science, – says professor Sergey Alukov, – Mathematics magazine publishing house offered us to act as invited editors of a special issue, based on the results of work within a collective monograph on mathematical modeling in English was published in Switzerland. We accepted the offer of the magazine, because we considered, that this is a great opportunity not only publish the results of our researches, but also introduce the world scientific community with remarkable works of SUSU scientists in a wide variety of research fields. It was also attracting the fact that the magazine has a high rating in the world citation database».

The work on the special issue took a year and a half. The coverage of the topics is impressive. Seventeen chapters of articles deal with wind energy, ecology, macroeconomics, pure and applied mathematics, modeling of traffic flows, aero- and hydrodynamics, tribology (the science of friction and lubrication), high temperature viscosimetry, various modern aspects of convolutional neural networks and deep learning are considered, mathematical models of vortices, non equilibrium processes of thermal power engineering, the use of coal-water suspensions, adaptive technical systems, macroeconomic stability of the EU countries and other topics. There are also detailed reviews of the state of science, such as the chapter on models of state regulation of the economy.

Article authors, except the editors themselves, were scientists Yuri Rozhdestvenskiy, Elena Zadorozhnaya, Vladimir Shepelev, Konstantin Gavrilov, Igor Livanov, Veniamin Mokhov, Elena Lyasovskaya, Vladimir Kodkin, Elena Kuznetsova, Aleksandr Anikin, Aleksandr Baldenkov, Konstantin Kostromitin, Sergey Surovtsev and others.

«Of course, the works of SUSU scientists are regularly publishing in leading scientific journals, but so that several dozen of our authors get into the top ten of Web of Science, and then they become authors of a collective foreign monograph of the top 10 level – an unique phenomenon, – says professor Anatolii Alabugin. – Among the authors of publications there are also leading experts in their field, young scientists, and for everyone such a publication will not only help to earn credibility in the scientific world, but also to get a response from foreign colleagues. The book about SUSU achievements, which have been collected under the one cover, will be delivered to the leading universities of the world that will made our university even more famous, at least among specialists in applied mathematics, economics, and engineering industries».

By the efforts of the editors, almost all articles in special issue and monograph have been released free successfully, although publishing house’s rules imply making impressive amounts for such publications.

The editors themselves of special issue of the magazine and monograph regularly publish their results in international level magazines. Nowadays professors Anatolii Alabugin and Sergey Alukov are preparing to be published a monograph on applied aspects of economics. Soon international publishing house Elsevier is publishing Sergey Alukov’s book on the approximation of piecewise linear and generalized functions.

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