SUSU Entered Top 50 Best Russian Universities According to RAEX

On June 19th, the analytical agency published the 13th annual edition of the "100 Best Universities in Russia" ranking. This ranking is part of the international project "Three University Missions".

Places in the ranking are awarded both according to statistical indicators (quality of education, scientific research, etc.) and according to the assessments of more than 130 thousand experts - from students to professors.

In 2024, South Ural State University took the 49th place, thus climbing from the Top 100 to the Top 50 best universities in our country.

SUSU turned out to be the only university from the Chelyabinsk Region included in the ranking of the 100 best universities in Russia. Our university was one of four participants from the federal district in the ranking.

In May RAEX summed up the subject rankings. SUSU received high positions in 11 scientific areas out of 36: 13th place in the subject ranking in Chemistry, 7th in Construction, 10th in Energy and Electrical Engineering, 10th in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, and 12th in Chemical Technology.

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