Scientists of South Ural State University took part in the shooting of a documentary series exploring the phenomenality of bread in the Russian and global history, science, economics, and culture.
The organizers of the project got excited about the development by SUSU scientists: a bread recipe that will help in overcoming psychological trauma. The aim of the project is to encourage the viewers to feel proud of the past and present of our country, as well as to attract investments in the agricultural and scientific industries. Developments in this direction are being led by the Director of the School of Medical Biology, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Irina Potoroko.
The series has been recently released on the Premier.One platform. In total, there are 4 episodes:
Millstones of History and Culture: why bread became the basis of civilization and the reason for the emergence of states, as well as what role it played in the history and formation of the national identity of our country and other peoples.
Millstones of Science: about the Russian and Soviet scientists who made a huge contribution to the world’s victory over hunger, and our latest developments.
Millstones of Health: a discussion whether gluten, yeast and bread are dangerous or whether it is a myth created to lower the consumption rates of wheat and rye and "promote" the currently less popular varieties.
Millstones of Geopolitics: where there are resources, there is politics. Grain has been the basis of trade and currency for thousands of years, and it remains so to this day.