As part of Vladimir Putin’s visit to the enterprises of KONAR Industrial Group, a meeting with employees was held. SUSU student Ivan Baryshev, who was undergoing practical training at the company, also had the opportunity to talk to the first person of the state. In addition to his studies, Ivan works at Tankograd Youth Design Bureau, which is an important part of the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School recently created at our university.
The students are proud that they will help found a new scientific school of domestic diesel engine building and therefore show interest in how the federal project will develop in the future. In Russia, 50 advanced engineering schools have been created, each of which has defended the Development Program until 2030. Under the terms of the project, funding will be provided from various sources, including the federal budget funds, regional budget funds, investments from business, and universities’ own funds. For example, support from the region in the amount of more than 500 million roubles and investments from business in the amount of about 2 billion roubles are provided for the work of the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School until 2030.
It is important to note that the "home" for the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School will be the Inter-university Campus in Chelyabinsk, where it is planned to allocate 5000 sq. m. for the creation of design and technological bureaus and engineering divisions of the school’s industrial partners.