SUSU Summed Up the Results of Its Scientific Activities over 2023

Over the past year, SUSU had a series of victories in major federal competitions and projects thanks to the high-quality work on the applications by the university teams, the attraction of leading scientists, as well as the development of facilities and resources of five new laboratories through the implementation of the Priority 2030 development program.

"Compared to 2022, the share of funds received from the federal budget increased by 17 percent, and from organizations in the real sector of the economy by 18 percent," comments Anton Korzhov, SUSU First Vice-Rector and Vice-Rector for Research. "Total income from science amounted to more than one billion roubles. This year we are setting more ambitious goals for increasing the income from R&D, especially from joint projects with industry, and for the formation of new growth points − new teams and laboratories."

The most significant event of 2023 is the victory in the competitive selection as part of the Advanced Engineering Schools federal project. The SUSU Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School is being created as a response to the challenges that the Russian mechanical engineering industry in general and special-purpose transport engineering in particular are facing. By 2030, it is planned to create more than 20 products that ensure technological sovereignty in engine building and special-purpose transport in three main areas: engine model range; special equipment for smart cities; intelligent control systems for special vehicles.

Four projects were implemented within the framework of Resolution No. 218 with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to create high-tech production:

  • Arctic Bus project, jointly with the URAL Automobile Plant. The following have been developed within the project: 1) Arctic Bus; 2) Road train; 3) Active semi-trailer. The project manager is Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) R.A. Zakirov
  • Environmentally Friendly Universal Utility Vehicles project jointly with JSC Kurgandormash. In 2023 a prototype of a small-class universal utility vehicle (UKME 1000) was manufactured. The project manager is S.M. Taran.
  • prototype of a transistor converter kit jointly with "Privodnaya Tekhnika" Scientific and Technical Centre LLC. The project manager is Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) M.A. Grigoriev.
  • design of an electro-hydraulic power amplifier jointly with Ural Engineering Centre LLC. The project manager is Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) D.V. Ardashev.

In 2023, two big-scale projects of our university continue their dynamic development, which received support within the framework of the competition under the megagrant program, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220: "Engineering of States of Light for Quantum Computing and Sensing" headed by Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) S.P. Kulik, co-headed by Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) S.A. Podoshvedov (a prototype of a quantum temperature sensor was created); and "Innovations for Air and Water Purification" headed by PhD D.M. Stankovich, co-headed by Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry) V.V. Avdin (a photocatalyst for the destruction of phenols was designed).

The following results have been achieved within the framework of the Priority 2030 program:

  • 3 industrial sensors (fibre optic, ferrite and quantum), 5 multiphysics models (synchronous reluctance engine, crystallizer of a continuous casting machine, drawing mill, transfer case of an all-wheel drive vehicle and a propulsion system demonstrator) have been developed; 3 software and hardware complexes for intelligent diagnostics in metallurgy and energy have been put into operation under the Strategic Project 1 "Intelligent Manufacturing";
  • new materials for forced internal combustion engines have been developed under the Strategic Project 2 "Fundamentals of the Synthesis and Operation of Non-conventional Materials";
  • AIMS-Eco system for monitoring transport emissions at intersections has been scaled to the territory of Magnitogorsk (the network of control points will amount to more than 30 posts), and a contract with PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works has been concluded as part of the Strategic Project 3 "Eco-environment of Post-industrial Agglomerations".

As a result of the implementation of contract-based research, 1 rouble from budget funding allocated for the Strategic Project 1 attracted 5 roubles, for the Strategic Project 2 − 3.7 roubles, and for the Strategic Project 3 – 2.7 roubles.

In 2023, the university implemented eight projects within the framework of government assignments: Digital Industry (D.Sc. in Engineering A.L. Shestakov); Gas Dynamic Processes (within the Youth Laboratory) (D.Sc. in Engineering Iu.E. Kapeliushin); NewProsthetic Technologies Using Composites (D.Sc. in Biology V.V. Erlikh); Stress Management (D.Sc. in Biology A.P. Sarapultsev); Online Diagnostics in the Energy Sector (an interdisciplinary team of energy engineers, physicists and computer vision specialists); Hydrogen Technologies (D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics Iu.M. Kovalev); Special Alloys for Engine Building (D.Sc. in Chemistry D.A. Vinnik); and Self-healing Materials (D.Sc. in Engineering S.B. Sapozhnikov). Fundamental results obtained during the implementation of projects are aimed at solving applied problems posed by industrial partners. At the beginning of 2024, the university has received support for three new projects in the following areas: Digital Modelling Materials (D.Sc. in Chemistry E.V. Bartashevich); Control Systems (D.Sc. in Engineering V.I. Shiriaev), and Quantum Metrology (D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics S.P. Kulik).

In 2023, 67 RSF projects were implemented in fundamental areas, including 33 new projects. 20 projects are being implemented in intelligent manufacturing, 24 projects in non-conventional materials, 7 in ecology, and 16 in social and humanitarian direction. The largest projects are projects on the synthesis of materials (D.Sc. in Chemistry D.A. Zherebtsov) and their digital modelling (D.Sc. in Chemistry E.V. Bartashevich), cybersecurity of industrial networks (D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics K.I. Kostromitin). A number of projects have the potential to move from fundamental developments to the applied component. Three RSF projects aroused interest among industrial partners: project on the control of welded joints (D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics M.A. Ivanov), project on the development of a pneumatic device for protection against emissions of hazardous substances from furnace reactors (D.Sc. in Engineering D.F. Khabarova), and project on the creation of materials for protection against radiation (D.Sc. in Chemistry V.E. Eremiashev). On-site meetings of SUSU scientists with representatives of potential customers were held.

Seven scientific and technical projects were carried out in the field of applied research with the support of Governor Alexey Texler and the government of the Chelyabinsk Region in order to achieve the technological sovereignty of our country. The following are being developed: automation software for a highly dynamic hydromechanical device in the interests of Ural Engineering Centre LLC (D.Sc. in Engineering D.V. Ardashev); a family of transfer cases of type 1200, 1800, 2500 in the interests of the company URAL Automobile Plant JSC (D.Sc. in Engineering R.A. Zakirov); electric drive systems for Snezhinsky Plant of Special Electrical Machines LLC (D.Sc. in Engineering M.A. Grigoriev); cast iron grinding media from copper smelting slag in the interests of AS Teplostroy Engineering Centre LLC (D.Sc. in Engineering P.A. Gamov); domestic dispatch system for Chelyabinsk Electrical Equipment Plant LLC (D.Sc. in Engineering M.A. Dzyuba); thermal insulation material based on modified non-isocyanate polyurethane in collaboration with Modern PUF Insulation Technologies Plant LLC (D.Sc. in Chemistry V.V. Avdin); and debris cart in the interests of TEK-Spetsmash LLC (D.Sc. in Engineering R.A. Peshkov).

Over the past year, the number of undergraduate and graduate students participating in scientific projects doubled; 20% of graduate students defend their dissertations during their postgraduate studies (early) or in the first year after graduation. SUSU has 16 dissertation councils, in which 8 doctoral dissertations and 31 dissertations for the degree of candidate of science were defended in 2023. The university publishes 21 scientific journals, with 4 journals thereof included in the RCSI database, 9 are assigned level Q1, 10 journals are assigned Q2, and 2 journals are assigned Q3 by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. SUSU staff members continue to publish the results of their research in highly rated journals on various fields of knowledge. The high level of research is confirmed by an increase in citations by one and a half times compared to 2022. The largest number of articles are published in journals on engineering sciences, materials science, chemistry and physics, what agrees with the strategic scientific directions of our university’s development.

Achievements in science as of 2023 are described in detail in the SUSU Scientific Developments Almanac, which will be presented on Russian Science Day on February 8, 2024.


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