Student of the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Wins the Young Science 2022 Conference

Student of the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Mikhail Rybalko, group СГ-301, has become the winner in the Young Science 2022 National Interuniversity Student Conference. Organizer of the conference: International Academy of Business and New Technologies, Yaroslavl.

Mikhail Rybalko presented a report on the Blockchain as a Social Phenomenon: Trust and Perception of the Stability of Relationships (Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Head of the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Elena Salganova acted as the academic advisor). In the report, the essence of the blockchain as a social phenomenon and its application in various fields of society was described, and priority areas for sociological and marketing research were identified.

The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation as part of the contest of Conducting Fundamental Scientific Research and Exploratory Scientific Research by Individual Scientific Groups (regional contest) 22-18-20011 Digital Literacy: Interdisciplinary Research (Regional Aspect).

Mikhail has long been engaged in research work and has already presented some results of it within the framework of the Digital Literacy: Interdisciplinary Research (Regional Aspect) grant at scientific conferences.

Currently, the team of teaching staff and students of the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities is collecting empirical information among young people aged 14 to 35 to study the current state, problems of digital literacy and digital security in the Internet space. This research corresponds to the strategic direction of the SUSU Strategy 2030.

The scientific grant is allocated for providing comprehensive study of digital literacy of modern youth; identifying the digital literacy criteria; testing digital literacy of young students at schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities of the region; developing an applied methodology and a system of activities for the formation of digital literacy among the youth of the Chelyabinsk Region.


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