International Students Invited to the Kazan Holidays Winter School

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI is happy to announce the traditional Winter School for international students who study in Russia.

This year, the Winter School is organized under the name of Kazan Holidays and offers a unique program:

• taking classes in the Russian language and tours of one of the best technical universities in Russia: KNRTU-KAI;

• visiting the sights of Kazan: a city with a thousand-year history and unique architecture;

• getting acquainted with the history, culture and traditions of the multinational Republic of Tatarstan;

• trying the dishes of the national Tatar cuisine.

You can participate in a 3-day or 5-day programs.


For applications and questions, please email at international[at]kai[dot]ru. Contact person: Faina Latipova, Director of the International Preparatory Department of KNRTU-KAI, +7 (843)231-01-58.

Terms of participation and application:

3-day Winter School Program

5-day Winter School Program

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