SUSU to Help Secondary School Students Choose their Profession

South Ural State University invites you to science popularization and career guidance events organized by the Applicant Consultation Centre.

The Horizons of Science (Gorizonty nauki) Preuniversity is an educational project which provides opportunities to complete academic intensives on solving difficult tasks from leading Unified State Examination experts in Mathematics, Physics, and Russian. The courses will be held online once a week.

Centres for Preprofessional Training is a project dedicated to helping secondary school students determine their future profession. By participating in various events, pupils can learn what exactly specialists in a given field do, what equipment they use, and how they develop within their field.

Individual career guidance consultations with specialists of the Applicant Consultation Centre will help applicants decide on their future profession. The Centre’s specialists discuss the new rules for enrolment in 2022 and the academic programmes offered at South Ural State University. Consultations will be held on Saturdays, in person, following the recommendations of the Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights (Rospotrebnadzor).

You can find out more about the events and register for them on the website of the SUSU Applicant Consultation Centre (in the Projects section), or by calling at: 8-351-267-91-47


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