Do Not Miss Your Chance to Apply: Psychology Courses Start at SUSU

The registration for the courses under the professional retraining programme in the Fundamentals of Psychology is closing. The aim of the programme: to obtain additional professional knowledge and skills in the field of psychology, and to prepare for training in the Master’s degree programme.

Target audience: people with higher education who wish to obtain systematized knowledge in psychology and prepare for enrolling in the Master’s degree programme in Psychology.

Duration: 520 hours, 10 months.

Mode of study: evening courses.

Beginning of study: September 20, 2021.

Educational programme: introduction to the profession, general psychology, general psychological practicum, differential psychology, psychodiagnostics, practicum on psychodiagnostics, personality theory, social psychology, organizational psychology, psychology of development and developmental psychology, clinical psychology, personality psychology, family and parent-child relationships psychology, socio-psychological training, fundamentals of counselling psychology, perception, understanding and assessment of a person by a person, personal well-being and satisfaction with life.

You can apply and receive additional information by phone: 267-95-63; e-mail: ek-com[at]mail[dot]ru, or at: Room 364, SUSU Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt


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