On March 30, 2021, Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Lidiya Lobodenko, Head of the SUSU Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Tatiana Semian, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) Sofia Zagrebina took part in an online round table on the “Integrative Processes in the Kyrgyz-Russian Educational Space: Problems, Prospects and Solutions" organized by Osh State University, Kyrgyzstan.
Photo: Lidiya Lobodenko
Cooperation of South Ural State University with Osh State University of Kyrgyzstan began in 2015 within the frameworks of the participation in the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on student academic mobility programs. In May 2020, SUSU and OshSU signed an agreement on the implementation of joint educational Bachelor's programmes in Philology, Foreign Studies, and Mathematics and Computer Science.
The online round table was devoted to the prospects for cooperation between SUSU and OshSU, and was held with the participation of the Consul General of the Russian Federation in the City of Osh R.V. Svistin.
Within the frameworks of the round table, the integrative processes in the educational, cultural and research and technical fields of SUSU and OshSU were discussed. Professors of Osh State University expressed their opinion on the problems of preserving the Russian language in the educational space of Kyrgyzstan. K.Z. Zulpukarov made a report on the topic “The Role of the Russian Language in the Educational Space of Kyrgyzstan”, Z.Ya. Miskichekova delivered a report on “The Space of the Russian language in the Intercultural Relations of Russia and Kyrgyzstan”, G.А. Madmarova made a report on the problems and prospects of preserving the Russian language in the educational space of Kyrgyzstan, Zh.M. Sulaimanov spoke about the problems of teaching Regional Studies.
Photo: Tatiana Semian
Director of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctor of Sciences (Philology) Lidiya Lobodenko delivered a comprehensive report, in which she spoke about the key projects of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities in the educational, research and socio-cultural spheres and invited colleagues from Osh State University to interact in joint cultural events, conferences and monographs.
Tatiana Semian, Head of the SUSU Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), spoke about the creation of a joint educational programme in “Applied Philology”, which would be implemented by the SUSU Department of Russian Language and Literature and the Kyrgyz-Russian Faculty, as well as about the peculiarities of the curriculum and educational process.
Photo: Sofia Zagrebina
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) Sofia Zagrebina spoke about the preparation of a joint educational program.
The round table resulted in a decision to develop the interaction between the institutes and faculties of SUSU and OshSU.