University Law Dialogue-2021 to Be Held at SUSU

The University Law Dialogue-2021 International Science-to-Practice Conference will be organised at the Institute of Law of South Ural State University March 25th through March 26th. The event will be dedicated to the topic of Law and Ecology.

On March 25th, an opening ceremony will be held, where SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov and Director of the Institute of Law Elena Titova will give the welcome speech. After that the plenary session will begin. On the state and prospects of law-making work in the field of ecology and environmental protection will be speaking Chairman of the Russian Federation State Duma Committee for Ecology and Environment Protection Vladimir Burmatov.

The representatives of the Ministry of Ecology, Rosprirodnadzor, scientists of South Ural State University, as well as invited guests - employees of higher educational institutions from Belarus, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, Moscow, Poland and Slovenia – will present their reports. On the second day, March 26, sections and round tables will be organised.

The opening ceremony will take place March 25th at 10:00. Registration will begin from 9:00. Venue: Convention Hall of the University Council (Room 1007, Main University Building, Lenin Prospect 76).

Program of the event


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