“Horizons of Science” Pre-University Project Operates at SUSU

South Ural State University invites school students of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region to study in the “Horizons of Science” Pre-University project.

“Horizons of Science” Pre-University educational and awareness-building project is aimed at developing school students’ motivation to study various disciplines and assisting in choosing the field of study to enrol in the priority programmes at SUSU.

Within the framework of the pre-university project, leading experts of the Unified State Examination will be holding classes on solving problems of an increased level of complexity.

School students of the 11th-form can take part in the project.

Registration of participants will continue March 20th through March 26th.

Registration link


Trial Unified State Examination:

Physics:March 27th

Russian Language: March 28th

Mathematics: April 4th


Online consultations on the Unified State Examination analysis:

April 3rd (Russian Language) at 17:00

April 10th (Physics) at 17:00

April 17th (Mathematics) at 17:00

Format of the event: online on the platform

Date of event: 

Friday, March 26, 2021 at 09:00


Contact person: 
Office of Internet Portals and Social Media, 267-92-86
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