The selection round of the Zhores Alferov All-Russian Science-to-Practice Conference within the framework of strategic goals of the Science and Universities National Project began.
The conference is held to create the human resources in the country by consolidating the efforts of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, the state, fundamental and academic sciences, aimed at finding, supporting and developing talented youth, taking into account the existing enterprises requirements.
Those, who are studying in higher educational institutions, i.e.students, Bachelor’s, Master’s and postgraduate students, are invited to participate in the event. They should also complete project/research work in the following areas:
- IT Technologies;
- Exact Sciences;
- Physics and Astronomy;
- Technology;
- Cyber-Physical and Aerospace Systems and Complexes;
- Chemistry, Biology, Medicine;
- Philology and Culture Studies;
- History;
- Social and Public Sciences;
- Modern Methods of Public Administration;
- Innovation Studies;
- Advanced Technologies in Design, Production and Operation of Gas Engine Fuel Vehicles;
- Advanced Technologies in Design, Construction and Operation of Gas Filling Infrastructure;
- Reducing the Harmful Impact on the Environment Using Alternative Fuels;
- Economic Aspects of Using Gas Engine Fuel Vehicles in the Context of the Modern Megapolis.
Applications are open till September 10, 2021 (via e-mail zayavka[at]alferovconference[dot]ru., and using the form on the official website).
The second stage of the conference will take place both in distant (October 25th through November 3rd, 2021) and in-person formats in Saint Petersburg (November 5th through November 7th, 2021).
Participation in the conference is free.
More information on the conference can be found on the official website.
For all questions, connected with taking part in the conference, please contact zayavka[at]alferovconference[dot]ru