South Ural State University presented its research projects at the Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn 2019”. The university’s developments in angroindustrial technologies were highly evaluated, and an awards ceremony for the Geoinformation Systems Research and Education Centre staff, who won gold and silver medals at the exhibition, was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region on October 18th.
In total, Chelyabinsk Region businesses and organizations won 153 medals at the exhibition: 92 gold, 46 silver, and 15 bronze medals. Our university presented both high-quality food products from the South Ural agroindustrial complex, as well as research, experiment, and consultation projects in the agroindustrial complex sphere.
Small innovative enterprise OOO UralGIS from SUSU took part in the Agroindustrial Exhibition for the first time and presented its developments in two categories: "For the Successful Introduction of Innovations in Agriculture" and "For Effective Informational and Consulting Support of Agriculture". In both nominations it was awarded gold and silver medals.
"The SUSU Geoinformation Systems Research and Education Centre was awarded a medal for the development and implementation of information technologies. We presented two projects at the exhibition: the geographic information system UralGIS Region and a technique of innovative land management. The projects are aimed at obtaining reliable and relevant information about the land resources of the Chelyabinsk Region. Based on the volume of data, we will be able to obtain new information that will allow us to make the most correct management decisions. Data integration and inter-sector interaction are necessary for the rational use of the land", says Director of the SUSU Geoinformation Systems Research and Education Centre Valentina Maksimova.
The geoinformation system created at SUSU aims to unite all participants of the agroindustrial complex on a single digital platform, from farmers to large agricultural producers and representatives of the Ministry. All data are transferred to the unified Federal information system under the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation. This makes it possible to promptly execute management tasks, use land resources rationally, as well as effectively develop rural areas, ensuring effective interdepartmental cooperation.
The second project includes innovative developments for the agroindustrial complex, it is aimed at creating an up-to-date balance of the land. The created technology makes it possible to see the location of every land category, including arable land, pastures, industrial land, lands of settlements, etc. The application of this technology will support the rational use of agricultural land through the digitization of the industry.