South Ural State University has opened enrolment for international students to a new Master’s programme in Financial Markets and Institutions to be taught in English at the School of Economics and Management.
This programme aims at training multi-skilled financial specialists: financial analysts and financial consultants, risk managers, managers of banks, insurance and investment companies, pension foundations, and other organizations, as well as specialists in trading, working with securities and financial instruments in organizations – professional participants of the stock market. The programme is headed by Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance Technology Maria Podshivalova.
In the course of training students learn such professional disciplines as: Mathematical Support of Financial Decisions; Theoretical and Applied Finances; Securities and Financial Instruments; International Standards of Financial Reporting by the Financial Market Participants; Banks and Banking Activity in the Global Market; and more. Students gain complex knowledge on the essence, structure, functions and mechanism of the functioning of financial markets and institutions. They also master the methods of analysing, forecasting the condition and development of financial markets and institutions, as well as risk assessment during financial decision-making.
The Financial Markets and Institutions programme has been highly appraised by the experts in the field of financial activity. Tatiana Konochkina, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of the Group on Servicing and Financing Big Business Enterprises of OO Yuzhny Ural of the Ural Branch of AO Raiffeisenbank notes:
“I believe that professional skills provided within this programme are truly in demand in the financial sector, because holders of the Master’s degree will be able to perform a huge number of operations, such as financial analysis, financial decision-making, and asset management in different types of banking institutions. The programme’s professional courses cover the risk management and technology innovations in the world financial sector. Today, banks are paying more and more attention to the methods of becoming more information-oriented. This means that new requirements are to be applied to employees, who have to command the skills of data analysing and using. This programme allows students to gain such competences.”
Close collaboration with employers allows for quality organization of internship for students and provide them with job placements. The programme of project-based learning is being fulfilled. High quality of education, successful performance in international Olympiads, and active scientific work under guidance from the leading academic staff of the Department gives a chance to continue studies in the postgraduate programmes of the School of Economics and Management and other leading universities in Russia.
Graduates of the Financial Markets and Institutions programme are capable of effortlessly navigate the field of financial markets, develop and substantiate strategies, and manage the financial activities within a financial institution or a financial service of a corporation. Among the main employers of the holders of the Master’s degree, who complete studies in this programme, are such big organizations as AO Raiffeisenbank, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Ernst & Young, FINAM and Otkrytiye investment companies, and Moscow Exchange.
Foreign citizens willing to obtain prestigious education at SUSU can learn more about their enrolment at the Portal for Applicants by clicking this link. If you have any questions, please mail at: applicant[at]susu[dot]ru (International Student Support of the SUSU International Office).