The team of executives and young researchers of SUSU keeps mastering innovative educational and managerial competencies in the course of “Island 10-22” intense educational workshop. The motto of the Island is “Thinking from the Future!” Based on this motto, new ideas get formed and the ways of their implementation get proposed. The SUSU team is fully engaged in operation of the Island and takes an active part in scientific and social experiments.
The leader of the SUSU team, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the university, Andrey Shmidt, and Director of the Office for Programme 5-100 Project Management, Evgeny Belousov, take part in a track dedicated to specification of the strategy of universities’ development through the prism of the NTI matrix; Head of the Department of Economics of Business and Project Management, Natalia Dzenzelyuk is taking part in operation of a laboratory entitled “Online as a Business: How to Launch Online Education at a University Quickly and Qualitatively”. Junior research fellow at the Research and Innovation Services office, Irina Podzhivotova is making a contribution into operation of a laboratory entitled “Technological Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer”. A SUSU team member, the Head of the Directorate for Technical Development at the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication of the Chelyabinsk region, Konstantin Makarenko, proved himself in construction of a quantum portal and in operation of a laboratory for quantum calculations.
Director of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Gleb Radchenko, and Associate Professor at the Department of Automation and Control, Vildan Abdullin, are participating in the work within the CDIO track.
Director of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Gleb Radchenko, commented on specificity of the laboratory operation:
“In the frameworks of the CDIO (Chief Data Officer) track operation, university teams learned the way that data analysis can have an effect on key aspects of a university’s operation. We learned the experience of using data analysis in management at the School of Economics and Management, in Boston University, at the University of Georgia, and in a number of educational startups.
We also studied the methods of monitoring as well as possible approaches to management. The result of our work was five team projects on practical analysis of data intended to solve such problems as, for example, compiling a chart of the university employees’ competencies, forecasting the demand for educational programmes, and analysis and control of research equipment application.”
An important place in the concept of the Island’s operation belongs to sport practicums. They help getting prepared for efficient work, provide a charge of good emotions and energy for the following day of study. Members of the SUSU team actively exercise jogging, swimming and walking, keeping up with their colleagues.
For the Island participants, working in laboratories and attending master classes has got supplemented by active team work over projects which are to be implemented in the future, when the “islanders” will return home. SUSU representatives are taking active participation in project practicums as well.