Results of the 16th Green Apple International Youth Festival of Marketing Announced at SUSU!

March 19th through April 18th, the events of the Green Apple Festival of Marketing were open for most creative students and school pupils: 198 participants from 12 universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Belarus, as well as school pupils and students of vocational schools took part in the festival contests.

Every year the festival surprises with new ideas and pickups. In 2019, the festival has added a new contest called Laboratory of Marketing Solutions – it is a new joint project of business representatives and students aimed at developing marketing solutions of business cases. We are grateful to the festival partners OOO 3DiVi, OOO Intersvyaz, Traktor Ice Hockey Club, and Zubry Graphics design studio for their productive work with students.

Traditionally, as part of the festival, the contest of creative works is held, which was presented on the exhibition’s website, as well as the contest of marketing research. For the second year in a row, among the participants of the marketing research contest are the international students from the Department of Management of the School of Economics and Management.

We were happy to welcome school pupils from Chelyabinsk, Miass and students from a vocational school in Belarus to the Prospects contest. The participants presents interesting creative works.

The interest of students was sparked by master classes from the leading specialists of such companies as and МА|МА consulting, who shared their huge practical experience with the participants. portal traditionally acted as the information partner, and its photoreporters captured the brightest moments of the festival, along with SUSU-TV and SUSU Photo School.

We keep on posting information about the festival on VKontakte page, where you can also check out the list of the contests’ victors and prized-winners!

We would like to thank all the brilliant, bold and creative participants for their incredible work and for making this festival a real celebration! We wish you new creative and productive ideas!

Contest’s Organising Committee: Department of Management, Room 570a/2, University Building 2, 76 Lenin Prospect, Chelyabinsk

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