Presentation of Master’s Degree Programmes of the School of Economics and Management is to Take Place at SUSU

On March 19 of 2019, presentation of Master’s degree programmes of the School of Economics and Management is to take place at SUSU.

SEM performs training of Master’s degree students in 7 majors and 22 educational programmes.

In academic year 2019–2020, SEM launches three new Master’s degree programmes, two of which are intended to perform students’ training in English. Master’s degree programme in Financial Markets and Institutes complies with the latest demands of the market regarding training of specialists in financial analysis and consultants, specialists in banks, investment and insurance companies, and other organisations. Future specialists will acquire universal knowledge in the sphere of global financial market environment, methods of fundamental and technical analysis, investment portfolio management, and financial engineering.

Another Master’s degree programme in English is entitled “Business Analytics”. This is a multidisciplinary programme targeted at acquiring profound knowledge in the sphere of data analysis, competencies of business analytics (data mining), machine learning, artificial intelligence, and development of forecast models for provision of business decision-making support.

In response to demand for graduate Bachelors of engineering majors as well as for specialists who are already working at industrial enterprises, a new Master’s degee programme entitled “Financial Justification of Engineering Solutions in Industry 4.0” is to be launched. On the basis of a complex of financial and economic subjects, alumni will be able to carry out assessment of economic consequences of engineering solutions, startups and own businesses.

Already-existing Master’s degree programmes of SEM in Economics, where students undertake training in majors related with international economics and trade policy, banking, corporate financing, taxation and customs affairs remain relevant. Those who want to obtain Master’s degree in Management can select programmes targeted at profound study of management of sustainable development of a contemporary corporation, strategic and innovation marketing, international business and logistics. Programmes in such majors and Human Resource Management, State and Municipal Management, and Applied Computer Science are still in-demand.

Within the Master’s Day, directors of programmes and leading academics will provide individual consultations and answer all questions. Special attention will be focused on conditions for admissions for Master’s degree studies, the presence of state-funded places and the issues regarding training for entrance examinations.

The event starts at 13:00

Address: Chelyabinsk, 87 Lenin prospect, building 3b, hall of the 1st floor
Tel.: 8 351 272 30 73
E-mail: 2723073[at]susu[dot]ru

Event date: 
Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 - 13:00
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