Fulbright Programme is a programme of grants for education, founded in 1946. The main purpose of the programme is to strengthen academic and cultural connections between nations of the USA and Russia, as well as improve mutual understanding between our countries. The programme is fully sponsored by the US Department of State.
As per tradition, admissions of applications for the programme start in February. At the moment, there are 3 directions in which competition has been announced:
- Programme for scholars and art figures
Finalists of the programme’s contest intended for scholars in the sphere of humanitarian, social, precise and natural sciences as well as for culture and art figures obtain a grant for a trip to the USA to deliver lectures, carry out research or hold master classes (in creative disciplines). The period of the research grant is 3 to 6 month; the grant for delivering lectures or holding master classes is 3 to 9 months.
Grants on the competitive basis are granted to:
- Scholars, employees of research institutes and centres, and academics (academic title is imperative);
- Art figures and specialists in the sphere of applied and creative disciplines, as well as to workers of libraries, museums, archives (academic title is not required).
Requirements for applicants:
- Russian citizenship and permanent residence at the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from January of the current year.
- The presence of an academic title (for representatives of academic disciplines) or a diploma on higher education and working experience (for art figures and specialists in the sphere of applied and creative disciplines).
- Command of English language at the extent necessary for fulfillment of the submitted project.
- Age of applicants is not limited.
- Corresponding physical and mental state.
- Only individual projects get admitted for the competition.
- Applicants constantly residing at the territory of the USA, having residence permit in the USA or having applied for its obtainment, are not admitted for the competition.
Detailed information is available here.
2. Programme for academics at higher education institutions
Grants of Fulbright Programme intended for academics at higher education institutions (FFDP) are granted on the competitive basis for development of a new or improvement of already-existing study course for a Russian higher education institution within the discipline declared by the applicant. Duration of the programme is 5 month. In the course of the Programme, participants are going to work on elaboration of their study courses and curricula, attend lectures and workshops, work in laboratories and libraries, and take part in conferences and roundtable discussions in universities of the USA.
The main requirements for candidates:
- Participants of the contest should have a diploma on higher education issued by one of higher education institutions accredited in the Russian Federation.
- At the moment of submitting to documents, participants of the contest should be working as a lecturer at a higher education institution on the basis of primary employment and have not less than 3 years of continuous employment as a lecturer at the higher education institution.
- Participants of the contest should submit clear description of the study course that they are planning to improve or elaborate and implement after completion of their internship in the USA.
- Participants of the contest should have a command of English language at the extent necessary for studying and internship (ibtTOEFL not less than 80 points).
Detailed information is available here.
- Small Grants Programme 2019 for graduates of Fulbright Programme
Fulbright Programme in Russia announces a Small Grants contest for Russian graduates. The contest is being held under sponsorship of the Institute of International Education (IIE). Small grants are intended to support small projects targeted at development and promotion of Fulbright Programme in Russia.
General requirements:
- A project should include the name of Fulbright Programme and be targeted at interaction with the society.
- Responsible person can be either one graduate of the Programme or several ones.
- The Grant can’t be used as payment for international travels, participation of international specialists (visa, travel, honoraria, etc) or as wages for graduates’ work.
- A project should be intended for students, postgraduates and employees of universities, as well as for scholars, researchers, and workers of libraries and museums.
- Individual projects will be granted $1000 maximum each, including tax. Grants are issues in rubles in the course of their approval and acquiring information regarding transfer of funds.
- Priority is given to the graduates who has not been granted the Small Grants in the previous years.
Detailed information is available here.
Let us remind that according to the regulations regarding formatting of grant applications submitted by subdivisions and employees of SUSU, it is necessary to register the application and submit a copy of the office memorandum to employees of the International Research Collaboration in person or via email grants[at]susu[dot]ru.