On December 14-15, 2018 Forum of Young Regulators and Experts “Strategy of Development: Challenge for the Young”, held by the State Duma in cooperation with Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) and Corporate University of Sberbank.
The leaders of the parties, chairmen of the relevant committees of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives of ministries and departments, business circles, scientists and specialists, leaders and academics of the leading law schools met with the participants of the Forum.
In the “Right of the Future” section, according to the results of the professional selection of experts from Kutafin Moscow State Law University, there were selected 10 projects and legislative initiatives, including a joint legislative initiative of the senior academic of Department of the Theory of Government and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Denis Abdrakhmanov and the academic of the same Department Valeria Khudyakova.
The section moderators noted that the submitted works deserve special attention and with a number of proposals, parliamentarians will start working now.
While summing up the Forum, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that some of the participants would be invited to work in the Expert Councils of the relevant committees.