From November 30 till December 1, an International Conference devoted to the issues of honors education development “Honors College Conference. Krasnoyarsk 2018” took place in Russia for the first time. The conference gave an opportunity to the developers of honors programmes at the Russian universities to compare the experience of elite education development.
On the first day of the conference, in the course of the discussion, heads, managers, and administrators of honors programmes determined the general objects and objectives of development of the university educational system for talented students with high scores.
Deputy Director of SUSU Centre of Elite Education Elena Kurkina, as well as Director of School of Advanced Studies of University of Tyumen and Professor of Skolkovo Andrey Shcherbenok, took part in the discussion.
The leading representatives of the world honors education made a talk in Krasnoyarsk in a video conference. Among them, there were President of NCHC 2018 Naomi Yavneh-Klos, President of NCHC 2010 John Zubizarreta, President of the European Council on the issues of development of programmes for students with high scores Mark Volfensberg (Groningen, the Netherlands).