On November 29th an 11th International Science-to-practice Conference on KNAUF in the World’s Construction Complex was held at South Ural State University, what has already become a traditional event for the Institute of Architecture and Construction.
Among the conference participants were the representatives of KNAUF GIPS international company, specialists and top managers of KNAUF GIPS Chelyabinsk, KNAUF counselling centre, as well as students, Master’s students, postgraduates, and teachers of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction. More than 40 presentations were delivered before the conference participants and attendees.
On behalf of KNAUF Eastern Europe and CIS international group a welcome speech was delivered by Director of Uralskaya Sbytovaya Direktsiya (Ural Sales Directorate) (branch of KNAUF GIPS, LLC) Aleksei Turygin. Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Doctor of Sciences (Architecture), Professor Salavat Shabiev presented the main fields of international activity of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction.
“The conference allows the future constructors, designers, and engineers to conduct their research studies in the field of production of new materials and technologies in construction. The quality of the constructed facilities depends on many aspects, and first and foremost, on the professionalism of the specialists. Among the opportunities provided for students is the studying of materials and technologies, and using their knowledge on practice,” notes Head of KNAUF Educational Centre, Chelyabinsk, Alevtina Populova.
It is important to note that Chelyabinsk was the first city in Russia to open a KNAUF counselling centre at its university (2004). Today the centre organises consultations for students and teachers of SUSU. Over the years of its functioning more than 500 students of the Institute of Architecture and Construction have taken educational training, internship, or pre-graduation training at the KNAUF enterprises. Moreover, talented SUSU graduates often keep collaborating with KNAUF and become the company employees.
In the end of the conference the best speakers were chosen among the participants, and each of them was awarded a KNAUF grant. Further university’s collaboration with the company aims at achieving the most important goal as of today: improving the quality of training and releasing professionals who will be competitive on the international market.