Successful Start of Philologists of Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of SUSU at the III International Russian Language Week in Sochi

On November 26, Sochi State University supported by Russkiy Mir Foundation opened the III International Russian Language Week.

The programme of the Forum is extensive: the International Youth Conference “Russian Verbal and Cognitive Culture: Issues of Communication’s Efficiency”, an Olympiad, competitions on declamatory skills and polemics, speaking and creative works, online posts, and posters.  

Already at the start of the events, the works of philologists of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of SUSU, Matvey Sholokhov, and Veronika Topolskaya were noted. A team of philologist-students will take part in all the competitions submitted to the programme. This is a brilliant opportunity to demonstrate different professional competencies and confirm the high level of training in the Russian Language and Literature at South Ural State University within the framework of the international forum.




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