The event is held under support of Executive Office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Ural Federal district, the Union of Heads of Institutions and Divisions of Continuing Professional Education and Employers, the Council of University Rectors of the Ural Federal District, the Association of Engineering Education in Russia, and the University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic, České Budějovice).
Official website of the Conference: unicont21.susu.ru
The goal of the Conference: expansion of international and interdisciplinary cooperation between teaching staff, researchers and organisers of the education system in the field of continuing education through opinion exchange and discussion of global and particular problems of continuing education.
The main issues (problematic areas) that are planned to be discussed at the Conference:
- Mission of the university in the system of continuing education
- Problems of improvement of specialists’ training for priority areas of science and technology development of the Russian Federation
- Structurisation of additional professional education on the basis of project-based directions of the university’s transformation
- Training of research and teaching staff for project and analytic activity for the university’s transformation
- Digital transformation in the system of continuing education
- Social partnership between employers and universities on teaching and learning support for continuing education, taking into account professional standards
- Specificity of methods and organisation forms of continuing professional education
- Acmeology-based approach to the identity of a continuing education teacher.
Scheduled programme of the Conference’s plenary session includes speeches of the university’s Rector Aleksandr Shestakov, the Director of the Institute of Supplementary Education, Irina Voloshina, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Igor Shchurov, and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Supplementary Education, Irina Kotlyarova.
On the first day of the Conference, organisers will hold two video conferences entitled “Professional standards – a new type of qualification requirements. Cancellation of qualification requirements of the Soviet period and of the ones existing in the Russian Federation” (leader of the video conference is Svetlana Koresheva, Board member of the Consortium of Interstate Continuing Education Association, Saint Petersburg) and “National system of qualifications in Russia” (leader of the video conference is Lrisa SHmelkova, Advisor of the Department for Interaction with State and Public Organisations of the National Agency for Qualification Development).
On the second day of the Conference, the following master classes are to be held:
- “Educational technology in digital space.” Presenter is Irina Kolegova, Associate Professor of the SUSU Department of Modern Languages.
- “Acmeology-based approach to a teacher’s personality in adult education.” Presenter is Miroslav Prochazka, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Deputy Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty at the University of South Bohemia, PhD (České Budějovice, Czech Republic). The master class is held online.
- “Mechanisms for professional support of university teaching staff in the beginning of their professional career.” Presenter is Milushe Vitechkova, lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Pedagogical Faculty at the University of South Bohemia, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), PhD (České Budějovice, Czech Republic). The master class is held online.
Among guests of the Conference are: G.Ya. Grevtseva, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Arts; N.A. Molchanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Security at the Institute of Economics and Management of the Ural State Forest Engineering University (Yekaterinburg); T.L. Veinbender, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Industrial Management at the TIU (Tyumen).
FSAEI HE “SUSU (NRU)”, Sigma education complex
78V Lenin prospect, Chelyabinsk
The event starts on October 11 at 10.00. Registration of participants starts from 09.00.
Representatives of academic and teaching staff of the university as well as students and postgraduates of various study areas are invited to take part in the plenary session, sections, video conferences and master classes.
Programme of the Conference includes specially scheduled time for communication with colleagues and mass media representatives; during breaks, organisers will be happy to offer tea and coffee to the guests.
Upon results of the Conference, Conference Proceedings included in the RSCI is to be issued.
Official languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
Contact information:
Institute of Supplementary Education
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-01
Irina Kotlyarova
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-72
Tatiana Saranskaya