The Institute of Supplementary Education is beginning professional training courses for specialists of KONAR Industrial Group, one of the leading international manufacturers in complex engineering and production of complex metal constructions.
Specialists of the company, CNC machine servicemen, will learn the basics of hydraulics, tribology, electric drives, CNC measuring systems, and the basics of advanced programming language.
Within the programme of import substitution, JSC KONAR executes a full cycle of production of pumping equipment for oil and energy workers of Public Joint Stock Company “Transneft”.
Understanding the importance of the level of training of its staff, JSC KONAR opened a Centre of Qualification Evaluation in May 2018. This is the first centre in the Chelyabinsk Region that will evaluate the qualifications of specialists in the mechanical engineering field. They are already ready to accept multi-skilled machine operators and engineers for instrument maintenance for mechanical assembly production. The centre brings in leading SUSU teachers as experts and test tools developers.