South Ural State University is the regional venue for holding All-Russian Economic Dictation. The dictation is aimed at determining and enhancing the level of economic competence of population as a whole as well as its individual age and professional groups, developing intelligent potential of young people, assessing economic activity and economic competence of population of various constituents of the Russian Federation.
Topic of the dictation is “Strong Economy Means Prosperous Russia”.
Participants can be:
- Students of grades 9-11 of educational institutions of general secondary education or professional education;
- Students of higher educational institutions of Russia, leaders or teaching staff of universities, specialists, experts, business representatives, state leaders or public officials, and many others.
The dictation is to be held on October 4 at 10.00 by the address: classrooms 001, 204 and 208, MBA Center of SUSU, 79a Soni Krivoy street, Chelyabinsk.
Available for differently abled people.
Link to the All-Russian Economic Dictation website:
Contacts of the regional venue:
+7 (906) 865 1532
+7 (351) 267-9876
+7 (351) 272-3299
+7 (351) 272-3073