The Accreditation in Education All-Russian Informational and Analytical Journal evaluated educational programs of South Ural State University. Experts of the ranking were representatives of academic community of Russia’s higher education institutions.
By the results of expert voting within the Best Programs of Innovative Russia project, 15 main educational programs of SUSU were listed among the best in the Russian Federation.
“The project is held within the preliminary stage of social-and-professional accreditation, and is targeted at determining educational programs of higher professional education which are reliable from the position of academic, professional, and student communities,” informs the project’s website.
When summarizing results, the factors taken into account include average number of EGE (Unified State Examination) points, with which a school leaver came to apply at the university, students’ achievements in international, all-Russian and regional Olympiads, as well as obtained scholarships and grants. Also, important factors in compiling the ranking are results of the Federal Internet Examination in the sphere of professional education (FEPO), Federal Internet Examination for Bachelor Degree Graduates (FIEB) and various accreditations.
The list of the best programs includes:
- Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems;
- Mathematics and Computer Sciences;
- Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology;
- Applied Mathematics and Physics;
- Computer Science and Computer Engineering;
- Program Engineering;
- Innovatics;
- Management;
- International Relations;
- Chemistry;
- Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering;
- Energy- and Resource-Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Oil Chemistry and Biotechnology;
- Metallurgy;
- Economics;
- History.
As of today, educational programs are precisely one of the main indicators of how modern and qualitative the higher education of any country is.