The Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal and Penal Law Master’s program is being successfully fulfilled since 2009. The irreplaceable head of this program is Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Aleksandrovich Voronin.
Over the forty six years of his career, he has completed all kinds of teaching work in disciplines of criminal law and criminology. He completed research projects, in particular Yuri Aleksandrovich published more than 150 research projects, including 10 books and 2 textbooks. A number of articles and a few monograph projects have been published in the USA and Great Britain.
From 1990 to 2003, Yuri Voronin completed many research internships, taught, offered lectures, and completed research in universities and scientific institutions:
USA: The US National Institute of Justice; American University in Washington, DC; The Washington University, Washington, DC; the Kennan Institute and the Wilson Center in Washington, DC; and the University of North Carolina;
Germany: Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiberg;
Great Britain: The University of Manchester
Poland: Poznan University.
Yuri Aleksandrovich completed practical work with law enforcement agencies in Russia and abroad, in particular: since 1996 – consultant for the United States Department of Justice Criminal Division as part of an intergovernmental program titled “Supporting the Fight against Organized Crime in Countries of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, then, from February 1999 to February 2000 – Director of the “Transnational Organized Crime” program of the US National Institute of Justice. For several years, he headed the Research Center for Issues in the Fight Against Organized Crime (Yekaterinburg). From 2000 to 2003, he was a member of the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program from the Russian Federation (International Centre for the Prevention of Crime). From 2000 to 2008, he was a member of the editorial board of an international journal published in the USA and Germany, “Trends of Organized Crime”.
Under the leadership of Yu.A. Voronin, 36 candidates of science and 3 doctors of science (Law) prepared and defended their dissertations. For many years, he was the Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the Ural State Law Academy, was a member of the HAC expert council and a number of dissertation committees, in particular: Chelyabinsk State University and South Ural State University.
The leadership of the Master’s program by a criminologist who is recognized around the world ensures the undoubted quality of its content and fulfillment.
Members of the academic process include:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), senior lecturer, Professor A.A. Dmitrieva, member of the evaluation committee for the consideration of questions related to the observance of standards by employees of the Criminal Investigation Department Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Chelyabinsk Region to their service behavior and (or) requirements on the regulation of conflicts of interest, member of the Attestation Commission for the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior for the Chelyabinsk Region, expert of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region;
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor K.A. Sergeev (active federal judge);
Department Head, Candidate of Sciences (Law), senior lecturer I.M. Belyaeva, member of the Examination Committee of the Chelyabinsk Region for the qualification exam for judge positions, member of the commission for the observance of compliance to requirements of official behavior for federal civil servants of the Eighteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal and Regulation of Conflicts of Interest;
Senior lecturers: Candidate of Sciences (Law) M.A. Gorbatova, Candidate of Sciences (Law) E.V. Evstratenko, Candidate of Sciences (Law) D.A. Garbatovich, Candidate of Sciences (Law) L.V. Krasutskikh, Candidate of Sciences (Law) M.S. Kirienko.
It is worth noting that practically all of the teaching staff participating in the execution of Master’s program either have a lot of experience in working in law enforcement or are practicing lawyers.
In 2017, the program received yet another confirmation of the quality of its practically-oriented approach and the high level of satisfaction for graduates and employers with the quality of education through completing professional and public accreditation.
In just short of ten years, 133 graduates earned Master’s degrees in program 40.04.01 “Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal and Penal Law” – one third of them with honors.