Young SUSU Scientist Took Part in IMECS-2018 International Conference in Hong Kong as a Section Co-organizer

In March of 2018, Assistant of the Department of Automobile Transport of SUSU’s Automobile and Tractor Faculty, Alexander Alyukov, took part in IMECS-2018 International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists held from 14th through 16th of March in Hong Kong.

The event organized upon initiative of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) has been held for several decades and achieved the well-earned authority in the international engineering community. About 300 reports concerning development of engineering and modern information technology were presented at the event. Alexander Alyukov took part in the conference as a Co-chair of the section of Electrical Engineering and Electronics.

The representative of South Ural State University discussed the possibility of joint research and publications with Ronald Pongillo, Professor of ESPOL Higher Engineering Polytechnic School of Ecuador and the Chairman of the section of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. Also, the possibility of joint mutually-beneficial cooperation was discussed with key speakers of the conference, among whom was one of the most well-known scientists in the sphere of Smart Manufacture, Big Data, Smart Engineering; founder of the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Professor of the University of Iowa (USA), Andrew Kusiak.

Professor Kusiak and Alexander Alyukov discussed the possibility of publication in the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. We should note that Andrew Kusiak was one of the first scientists who back in the 1990s already talked about the possibility of “smart manufacturing” and proposed such term as Intelligent Manufacturing which was included in the title of the journal that he founded. In the 1990s, he became the pioneer in this area. Today this journal is rightfully considered to be one of the most authoritative editions that publish research on the subject of intelligent manufacturing and the Internet of Things; its impact factor is 3.303. The Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing is included in Top 25; articles that get published in it have every chance to be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Nowadays, in the time of rapid technology development, scientists al over the world are talking about not Intelligent but Smart manufacturing. Professor Kusiak mentioned about the difference of these terms in his report.

Alexander Alyukov discussed various aspects of projects being implemented at SUSU with key speakers of the conference: Professors from Oxford (Great Britain), the University of Münster (Germany) and the University of Wyoming (USA). Specifically, the scientists discussed the possibility of conducting joint research in the sphere of robotic engineering, adaptive suspension in the paradigm of smart manufacturing, and creation of intelligent subassemblies of a car.

“I managed to get a unique experience as an organizer at the massive engineering event,” noted Alexander Sergeevich when summarizing his visit to Hong Kong. “Moreover, some valuable scientific contacts which in a prospect can evolve into fruitful cooperation, joint publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, and organization of research collaborations were established in the course of the trip.”


Yulia Rudneva
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