SUSU Delegation Visited Technological University of Tajikistan

An unscheduled meeting of the Academic Council was held at the conference hall of the Tajik Technological University named after Academician M.S. Osimi, in which the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov was accepted as an honorary professor of the university.

The decision to award Aleksandr Shestakov the title of honorary professor was made based on the results of bilateral, equally beneficial partnership between the two universities. The leadership of the Tajik Technological University noted the immense contribution from the SUSU Rector in developing international communication between Russia and Tajikistan as well as his role in forming the university’s research and teaching staff.

The decision to accept the SUSU Rector as an honorary professor of the Technological University was made by the Academic Council in 2016.

During the visit, the Rectors of both universities noted the productivity of mutually beneficial partnership and discussed the prospects of its further improvement.

Also within the meeting of the Council of Young Academics, in which Aleksandr Shestakov also took part, both sides noted the role of academic mobility in developing relationships between the two universities. At this time, students from Tajikistan are completing post-graduate studies at SUSU. It is planned to increase the number of these students, as this enables the development of international research projects, exchanges of experience, and integration in to the international research community.

After the completion of the official part of the visit, the SUSU delegation took part in an excursion around the Tajik Technological University, in which they visited the following laboratories: Equipment and Technology for the Creation of Jewelry; Electromechanics and Electromechanical Processes; and Electrical Systems and Networks.

Materials from the site; translation to Russian: Olga Vazhenina
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